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The Lake Quainault School District has a population of approximately 250 students in preschool through the 12th grade.  The student population is made up of 14.5 % Native American, 16.7% Hispanic, 1.5% Black, and 67.3% White.  The free and reduced average for the District is 83%.

The annual test scores for the District have been improving with the implementation of Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI).  The ITI program designed by Susan Kovalik and Associates is based on body brain-compatible translating brain research into action in the classroom.  There are nine elements to this program and they are:  1) Absence of threat/Nurturing, reflecting thinking 2) Meaningful content 3) Movement to enhance learning 4) Choices 5) Adequate time 6) Enriched environment 7) Collaboration. 8) Immediate feedback 9) Mastery/application

As part of the ITI instructional program students are instructed in 5 Lifelong Guidelines which are:  Trustworthiness – To act in a manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence.  Truthfulness – to be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others.  Active Listening – to listen with the intention of understanding what the speaker intends to communicate.  No Put-Downs – To never use words, actions, and /or body language, that degrade, humiliate, or dishonor others.

There are 18 Lifeskills that are taught as part of the program.  One life skill is emphasized in class each day.  The 18 Lifeskills are: 1. Caring – to feel and show concern for others;  2. Common Sense – to use good judgment;  3. Cooperation – to work together toward a common goal or purpose;  4. Courage – to act according to one’s beliefs despite fear of adverse consequences;  5. Curiosity – a desire to investigate and seek understanding of one’s world;  6. Effort – to do your best; 7. Flexibility – to be willing to alter plans when necessary; 8. Friendship – to make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring; 9. Initiative – to do something, of one’s own free will, because it needs to be done;  10. Integrity – to act according to a sense of what’s right and wrong; 11. Organization – to plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use;  12. Patience – to wait calmly for someone or something; 13. Perseverance – to keep at it; 14. Pride -  satisfaction from doing one’s personal best; 15. Problem Solving – To create solutions to difficult problems;  16. Resourcefulness – to respond to challenges and opportunities in innovative and creative ways; 17. Responsibility - to respond when appropriate; to be accountable for one’s actions; 18. Sense of Humor – to laugh and be playful without harming others.  To find out more information about Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI) go to http://www.kovalik.com .

The School District is one of the largest employers in the area with approximately 55 employees.  This number includes 23 certificated teachers which amount to a 11.4 students per teacher in the district.
